+ info

Useful Info

In this section you will find some contact information that you may find useful during your stay in Gran Canaria.

Emergencies: 112
Local Police: 092
Ambulance: 061

Clínica Salus Las Palmeras (Central): (+34) 928 762 992

Clínica San Roque – Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: (+34) 928 012 600

Clínica San Roque – Sur: (+34) 928 063 600

Clínica Scandinavica, Playa del Inglés: (+34) 928 771 638

Clínica Scandinavica, Puerto Rico: (+34) 928 725 284

Clínica Scandinavica, San Agustín: (+34) 928 157 315

Complejo Hospitalario Materno-Insular: (+34) 928 444 500

Hospital Clínica Roca: (+34) 928 769 004

Hospital de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín: (+34) 928 450 000

If you are in Gran Canaria and need to make some kind of official enquiry or request at your country’s consulate, you will find the contact information in the following list.

Austria: (+34) 928 260 100

Belgium: (+34) 928 461 718

Finland: (+34) 928 224 358

France: (+34) 928 292 371

Germany: (+34) 928 491 880

Greece: (+34) 928 300 545

Irleland: (+34) 928 297 728

Iceland: (+34) 928 252 292

Italy: (+34) 928 241 911

Luxemburg: (+34) 928 309 650

Norway: (+34) 928 495 035

Portugal: (+34) 928 309 650

Russia: (+34) 928 492 222

Sweden: (+34) 928 261 751

Switzerland: (+34) 928 293 450

United Kingdom: (+34) 928 262 508

United States of America: (+34) 928 222 552

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