The technical team at one of its regular meetings
500 sailors, technical teams and team leaders will attend the European Laser Senior Championship that will take place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria between 26th February and 4th March.
Organizers include Royal Spanish Sailing Federation (RFEV), the European Laser Class Association (EurILCA) and Real Club Nautico de Gran Canaria (RCNGC), host for the event in the shores of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Some of the sailors have been training and preparing for weeks for this race as part of the programme Gran Canaria Sail in Winter that RCNGC organizes every year.
The event has been rise the attention of sailing fans around the world by virtue of qualifying for the Summer Olympic Games in Brazil. National teams around the world have chosen to send their sailors to Guanabara Bay, race course for Rio 2016.
Commodore’s race, a race with great tradition at RCNGC, had the pleasure of hosting sailors from eight different nationalities.
Martina Reino, member of the Spanish Olympic Team from RCNGC alongside Alicia Cebrián from RCNT, won the race last January.
267 sailors from 45 countries registered for the European open championship, which aggregates the Standard (male), female Radial and male Radial.
267 sailors from 44 countries have already formalized their registration to participate in the European Laser Senior Championship being held in Las Palmas from 26 February to 4 March.
The Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, Real Federación Española de Vela and the EURILCA organize the regatta in which several Olympic medalists and world champions are participating.
The Europeans in Gran Canaria serve several Olympic teams like the Spanish or the United States as a selection regatta to designate their representatives in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, which begin on August 5.
Three competitions will be held: The male Olympic (Laser Standard) and female (Laser Radial) and male Laser Radial.
As host country, Spain has the largest team, with a total of 36 sailors. The current Spanish Olympic team is composed of Canarian sailors: Joel Rodriguez and Joaquin Blanco, both of RCNGC in Laser Standard, and in Radial Martina Reino (also of RCNGC) and Alicia Cebrian from Tenerife.
Olympic medalists Cypriot Paulos Kontides 2012–silver in London and the Dutch Marit Bouwmester silver (also in London) have registered and the current world champion, Denmark’s Anne Marie Rindom, Croatian Toni Stipanovic, fourth at the last Olympics.
The largest fleet only a month to start the championship belongs to the Laser Standard class, with 130 registered sailors. The most represented continent is Europe with 27 countries. Being an open competition, also sailors from they travel from New Zealand, Peru, United States, Hong Kong and Korea have registered.
109 female Olympic sailors have formalized their registration: 24 European teams plus Australia, Canada, Singapore, United States, Turkey and Japan.
Laser Radial Men has 40 competitors.